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CD The Clavichord Music of Johann Kuhnau and C.P.E. Bach

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Performer: Joan Benson, clavichord

The clavichord is a keyboard instrument in which a metal tangent at the end of the key strikes a string when the key is depressed. This produces a soft singing tone that can be altered by finger pressure to produce vibrato and other expressive ornaments. The dynamic range is small, the sound petite, but, nonetheless, the clavichord was an important solo instrument for over 200 years. The music is composed by Johann Kuhanu, one of the leading clavichordist of the eighteenth century, and by his pupil, Carl Philipp Emnuel Bach, the most famous clavichordist of all.


Second Sonata {from the Biblische Historie}:  Saul malinconico e trastullato per mezzo della musica

(Saul's madness soothed by music)



  1. La tristella ed il furore de RE

(The depression and fury of the king)

  1. La canzona refrigerative dell'arpa di Davide

(The refreshing song of David's harp)

  1. L'anima tranquillo e contento di Saulo

(The calm and happy mind of Saul)

  1. Rondo in B-flat major
  2. Rondo: Abschied vom Silbermannschen Clavier

(Farewell to the Silbermann clavichord)

  1. Fantasia in C minor