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Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) is considered one of the founding fathers of solo Italian keyboard music. His pieces represent various aspects of his unique and powerful musical language—one which is distinctly his own mother tongue—using declamatory rhythms, expressive dissonances, startling chromatic lines, and shocking contrasts of rhythm and harmony, especially in his toccatas. This solo harpsichord recording offers a view of his diverse works. 

Capturing audiences with her virtuosity and poetic style, Yonit Lea Kosovske has performed as a soloist and chamber artist in major cities throughout the United States, Israel, Hong Kong, Spain, South America, and China. With degrees in both modern and historical keyboard instruments, she is equally at home with repertory from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Her performances have been broadcast on radio stations across the United States and featured on programs such as National Public Radio’s Performance Today and Harmonia. She has given concerts at the early music festivals in Boston, Berkeley, Bloomington, and Chicago, in addition to other music series throughout the United States. 

In high demand as a collaborative artist, she freelances as a studio accompanist, tours as a frequent guest artist with Lipzodes and ¡Sacabuche!, and is a founding member of various ensembles, including Resonata, Cross Relations, Duo Colombina, and Cantico Romantico. She holds a Doctor of Music degree in Early Music from the Jacobs School of Music, where she studied with Elisabeth Wright. Dr. Kosovske was a leturer in music of harpsichord at IU from 2008 to 2010, and has recently moved to New England.




  1. Toccata ottava Book I
  2. Canzona prima
  3. Partite sopra l'ardi di Monicha
  4. Capriccio sopra l'aria di Ruggiero
  5. Partite sopra l'aria Ruggiero
  6. Cento partite sopra passacagli
  7. Toccata settima Book I
  8. Partite sopra l'aria della Romancesca